There are many faces of love. The most common is conditional love. It has "if" and "then". What Ram Dass is talking about is unconditional love. To put it in Ram Dass's words," It's a part of our inner being. It's love for no reason, love without an object...This is an entrance to Oneness." This is an accurate description of unconditional love. Do I love me unconditionally? Do I love the other unconditionally? When and how? My answer is Yes . All the time? Most of the time. It is a state of being, not having and doing. In Such a state I feel Oneness within me and beyond me. Walls of outward differences melt away and I breathe the pure air of love filling my heart with unbound joy and fulfillment.
My first experience of such unconditional love was with my mother whose face was shining with unconditional love. As I grew up I often experienced such love when I used to chant with my father. And the same kind of love I experienced with my beloved better half. I still feel the glow of that love though she is no more physically with me. Last night we had a Thanksgiving gathering at my daughter's house. She had put her heart in making preparations for such a joyful thankful event. She radiated the light of unconditional love. My grandson saw the tired face his mother. He left the company of his friends and went to the sink to clean pots and pans joyfully. Such acts of love and kindness divinize our daily living. Keeping my heart open for giving and receiving unconditional love, and being grateful for such divine gifts helps me to stay on the path of Being. Namaste.
Unconditional love has mostly been associated with our dear 'furry' friends. No matter what they still love us. Those who find unconditional love in a spouse are very lucky. Not everyone has that. The other unconditional love is that of a mother, I agree. Most of the time, mothers give to their children without any expectations. But, unfortunately, there are always exceptions to all of these as we hear of parents abusing their children, and spouses who neglect their partners or even worse abuse them emotionally and/or physically. Eve the dogs are fearful of a person who may be abusing them. So, unconditional love is very rare in humans and if one has that in one's life, one better know its value and cherish the person who gives them that.
Elaine Noonan
12/5/2021 03:20:19 pm
I have found that during the most challenging times of life where we look at ourselves and see who we really are. Unconditional love starts there and determining whether it’s present or not with the self is critical. It is from that place that we can give unconditional love to others.
Debbie Podwika
12/12/2021 01:39:52 am
As I finished reading, I thought like Meline of my pets! They just love us period. This is why they are so good for our stress and our hearts. They can teach us so much about unconditional love. I agree my parents taught me how love is different than being happy or not with some behavior we have done or not done. I actually do not think there is such a thing as "Conditional Love." To me that is actually not love. They do not understand love if they make it conditional so it is not love. :-)
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