I like the title of this passage The Self Is Not A Thing, But A Process. A process is fluid. It is flowing. The body- mind complex creates obstacles in the flow of the unitive consciousness where I and You or you and me get dissolved. What makes the "I" making the decision and "I" receiving the decision different, not the same? According to my understanding it is the ego that creates the split between I and you. When I become free from the grip of my ego I am in the flow of the Unitive Consciousness or Self-realization. In this spiritual realm we become one with us and with others. In this spiritual realm the apparent distinctions of I and you, and mine and yours, fade away and the Light of Oneness shines. There are many occasions in my life when I have gone beyond myself. Serving others without any selfish motive and loving people in my life unconditionally have enriched my life. What is nobody? When I know who I am and let the light of that awareness shine within me, I realize that we all are one. This is True Love, my True Nature. Namaste!
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