I feel deeply grateful to Brother David Steindl-Rastfor giving the great gift of passage. I consider offering this thought provoking passage itself a great gift of passage. It has the three intertwined core concepts of grateful living: I recognize, I acknowledge, I am grateful. These three concepts create a steady and strong foundation for going through passages of life. Living this way I feel the unity within me and between people in my life regardless of apparent differences like Brother David says unity in multiplicity, oneness in manyness, where giving becomes receiving and receiving becomes giving, an experience of oneness. To me this is living spiritually, living in pure heart and relating to others from pure heart. And this an ongoing journey that creates loving joy and deep fulfillment.
I have been blessed to have many people in my family and many others out of my family who take care of me lovingly regardless of age, gender, nationality and religion. It feels like living in a spiritual community or an ashram. Such experiences happen not on Thanksgiving Day. Everyday becomes a Thanksgiving Day. As I have mentioned before life is a spiritual journey. In my journey of life there have been times when I have stepped out of the spiritual path and I have hurt me and some people close to me. Recognizing and acknowledging my wrong doing and learning from such experiences has always helped me. Practicing Mindfulness Meditation regularly and living mindfully and relating to others unselfishly and compassionately also reinforces my spiritual way of living. Namaste!
7/24/2021 03:59:35 pm
My Spiritual Journey Through Family, Friends, and Strangers
7/30/2021 12:33:49 pm
I like the phrase Attitude to Gratitude you use in your reponse- Open-minded and empathic atttude makes us look at the same person or situation differently as you did with your uncle.
Debbie Podwika
7/24/2021 04:13:30 pm
This is a very good piece to think about. I like the word "acknowledge." I recently had a conversation with my sister and I realized I do not like the word "validate" as in "validate one's feelings." To me it means you agree or think they are accurate or appropriate. I think Recognize & Acknowledge are better terms. I can do that with others and that can give me empathy for them even though I may not agree with their feelings on the subject matter. Now the grateful part is what can be difficult at times, especially in the moment but it can be strived for or one may find that they are grateful at a later point in life.
7/30/2021 12:49:50 pm
Dear Debbie: I am glad to read your comments. We are on the same page. I see the value of Recognizing and Ackenowloding what is helps us get connected with each other on a deeper level. These are important elelments of Awareness.
Maria Castro
7/24/2021 05:52:07 pm
I recognize who I truly am in every expression of my being on this horizontal living. I acknowledge that I will make mistakes but I can return to my try nature whenever I am aware of being lost in judgement. I am grateful for having the practice of mindfulness because without it I could be on the road of just doing and not being. Being a spiritual being with my interactions with my loved ones.
7/30/2021 12:53:18 pm
Great Reflections. I am glad to be reconnected with you and having your attentive presence and contribution to the class.
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