The philosophy of Radical Optimism deeply resonates in me. The concept of radical optimism looks identical with the concept of Karma Yoga in the Bhagavad Gita. Karma Yoga is a spiritual path of doing actions without any expectations of outcomes. The input and the output, the action without expectation of a reward is radical optimism-selfless action, a path of selfless service. To me Bearing Witness means serving others with no expectation of a reward for my action, free from attachment to the outcome of my action. It becomes a mantra for radical optimism, a light house that enlightens my path of daily living.
Spiritual materialism is very seductive, and possessive. Having deep trust in the spiritual way of living and following the spiritual path faithfully is very helpful to me for avoiding the trap of spiritual materialism. Practicing mindfulness meditation keeps me on the path of Radical Optimism. And it is an ongoing pilgrimage for me. Namaste! Above is my reflection to the article here.
Elaine noonan
6/24/2023 09:19:29 am
Namaste. Two phrases that stand out to me are radical optimism and spiritual materialism. In a world where we establish work based on society‘s demands and job openings, these have impact on how we direct our talents and passions. The other alternative, is to take our talents and passions, and create our own life’s work opportunities. Not easy #1
Debbie Podwika
6/24/2023 02:23:41 pm
What are you optimistic for? If you have something you are optimistic for then there is a plan. This is also why I never really agree with Altruism. There is a reward, if not material, just in the fact that it made you feel good to help someone. The OP point on spiritual payoff...yes in my religion people want "heaven" or to be with God (Love) and not Hell (if you believe in these). Also, I don't think you have to be thinking of the end outcome with each step in the practice. And why do ANYTHING (good or bad) if you do not expect it to have a result or consequence. One does not choice to do some behavior or not do it without some reason in their decision. Why do I meditate or do Qi Gong etc? Because I do expect it to help me. Now if I say it is not helping me and I quit without realizing I do not know when it will help me and thus continue my practice then that is a problem. It may be the next practice that it begins to help but I do the practice with optimism that it will help me. At the same time, I'm not thinking with each moment or movement in Qi Gong "this will help me, this will help me." Ha! That probably will work against it helping me. In the moment I'm just "doing."
6/24/2023 02:41:48 pm
I believe in our maturity and aging we embrace Radical Optimism one moment at a time. AT age 40, I joined a women religious community. I was very self-conscious of my awkwardness to read out loud. As eight of joined for prayer, we each had a section to read. When it came to me, I felt I missed a word here and there and mispronounced several words. I wanted to die inside. We completed the prayer with a song. I immediately slid off to my room quietly. Mary knocked on the door, “Therese are you OK?” I opened door with tears, “I felt I was bleeding to death with all my reading mistakes.” She smiled. ‘If we saw you bleeding; we would have given you a bandage.” With a gentle smile, she gave me powerful words of “Expectations are killers.”
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