The notion of brokenness is not something to be hidden but unveiled, reminds me of Buddha's four Noble Truths.
Namaste! Above is my reflection to the article written here.
7/8/2023 02:47:36 pm
The four noble truths have given me hope in knowing that I can free myself. I experience pain and I need to process it. Nobody is except from wounding. We all will have pain but we don't need to suffer for very long. I suffer when I forget that there is a way out of suffering.
7/8/2023 03:59:04 pm
Pain fFnding Joy! Sometimes, it takes years to name, label, and own pain. It becomes normal. What's normal? As a child, my sister would teast me that I ran funny. My head and body leaned backwards not forward as runners do.
Debbie Podwika
7/15/2023 02:37:15 pm
Well, I have a bit of issue with 3 & 4. Accept suffering? I understand that to be true sometimes with some deaths...though again not all. When my SIL brother was killed by a person going 60mph in a 30mph I accept he is dead but do not accept that it had to happen and feel we should do what we can to prevent that suffering for others. Same thing with like examples of abuse. I don't think we should accept it. I think we should do everything we can to prevent it from happening, Our planet, again we should do everything we can to prevent future suffering. I can accept and say ok, this happened today but heck if I won't try to make it not happen again. There are some people who just say, this is my lot in life and do nothing to change it (#4), I'm for preventing it from happening in the first place.
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