Looking Through A Window authored by Sam Harris reminds me of Advaita, No Twoness. We all are One, regardless of apparent differences and divisiveness. It is an illusory, delusion of the Self. The Self is One regardless of apparent differences of me and you, us and them, black and white, rich and poor, me and you, and religious differences. Essentially we are one. In an ancient Indian book of wisdom called Kathopanishad it is described in three Sanskrit words Tat Tvama Asi-Thou art that-the Truth, That Unitive Consciousness. For worldly transactions we relate to each other with such differences. In the spiritual world we all are one. We know how many battles and wars are created by this divisiveness. We tend to forget that in the Divine eyes we all are children of God. An important question arises in me: Who created such divisiveness and dividedness? This inquiry needs to be made with an open and unbound consciousness. We have to keep the window open and the mirror clean to understand and realize the Unitive Consciousness. Sadly we remain blind and our mind closed. We need to awaken from our delusion to see the Divine Truth. The mirror of our eyes needs to be cleaned and cleared to see the Truth as it is. It is called Self-transcendence. When, how long are my eyes open and clear to see and realize the Divine Truth in my everyday living? How often do I keep the moors clear and clean? How long do I remain open, alert and awake? Often my eyes are open to see the Truth of oneness and harmony and unconditional love. It happens when I transcend my self-created and self -serving self. This is a spiritual journey, a road less travelled. At times I miss the road. I get up and start walking on my path. What keeps me awake? What keeps me on my path? This is the time for me to awaken and keep on walking on my path. If nobody walks with me, as Rabindranth Tagore says, Walk Alone, Walk Alone. I walk alone with my inner eyes open to see the Light of Love and Truth. Practicing non judgemental Mindfulness and Mindfulness Meditation helps me walk steadily on this spiritual path.
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