Here is my reflection to the article posted on
There are two sides of the Self: selfish and selfless; greedy and generous; sinful and sinless. When we are born There is pure self. As we grow we are conditioned by outside sources which create an imbalance between me and the other. The innate oneness and wholeness is fractured or divided. So we wrestle with ourselves, between the wrong side of ourselves and the right side of ourselves. We live in a divided inner house which drains our energy. When we wake up and see the light we see our Real Self-beyond dualism, beyond boundaries. And that's who we are. We become 'me we'. Life is a journey with ups and downs. There have been times in my life when I lost the dynamic balance and harmony in my interpersonal relationships and cause suffering in me and in others who loved me. I learnt the right, the wholesome way of relating to me and to others close to me. There is HOPE for evolution and transformation. It is an intrapersonal and an interpersonal dynamics in relationships. Look within with open, clear, and unbiased eyes to discover our True Self, our pure consciousness and live life in accord with our True Self. Daily uninterrupted practice called nirantara abhaysa and non-attachment called anasakti, and of remaining awake and aware of my thoughts, emotions and actions helps me walk on the path of liberation and peace. Namaste!
Maria Castro
12/10/2022 12:04:52 pm
Wrestling with two opposing thoughts. Wanting to be a good person and my actions displaying the opposite. Why is it that when your the happiest a difficult situation occurs and you react with anger? Does that mean I am truly an angry person who has occasional happy moments but always defaults to the negative? I know I am pure light and goodness but when you act out of anger when stressed. Don’t people say how you react to stressful moments in your life is a true indicator of what’s inside you. Does that mean I am not true Love yet? I have to work on myself more. Let go of resentments and expectations in my marriage. I can’t do my inner work and his too. Everyone is responsible in doing their healing. What happens when you wake up and the other stays asleep? I want to act with kindness but the anger takes over. The anger that has sadness, hurt, and desires of wanted to be free underneath. The heart represents love and l liveliness. I am neither.
12/10/2022 01:57:04 pm
Your post was very interesting to think about. I agree we each have to work on our self but, I think with relationships we also have to work together because if you lose that you chose to be "we" then that is a problem as well. When you asked about getting angry and hurt, I think that is love. People who you do not love or care about really can't hurt you...I mean your spirit. Or at least not as deeply of course so I think that is a sign of love. I don't think it is a true sign. Everyone is not their best self when they are under high levels of stress. I would say what is the person like the majority of the time. In fact, if someone is pretty great the majority of the time then people are more likely to say it is the stress not them. Does that make sense? In my religion it is said "God is Love." I also say the reverse, "Love is God." :-) But it is very hard to love those who are very mean to people or examples like Hitler, abuser, killers etc. My love for examples like this is just to realize they we not likely born that way. Well, if they were, then is it their fault? And, if they were not born that way then what in life changed them to be like this?? Another phrase is, "There but for the Grace of God go I." It does make me angry when people are bullying, abusive, aggressive in any form, and it is not acceptable to me, but I can still love the person through a sense of empathy that do not know LOVE. It may be that I can still grow in love as I get older, but they do not even know Love and I feel so sorry for them. Seems an odd example, but its that time of the year...kinda like The Grinch. :-)
Debbie Podwika
12/10/2022 02:41:03 pm
Thie OP and your thoughts reminds me why I love to be around children soooo much. They remind me of what PURE LOVE really is! No judgement, no labeling, etc. They can be happy with the simplest things. They give love to everyone and anyone. They are not afraid if someone does not love them in return, they are just willing to give it...perhaps the phrase "it is better to give than receive" comes from this. :-) They do not worry about what others think of them. I think also this is what gives them so much energy. Love gives you energy. Anger, stress, resentment etc drains your energy. I'm grateful to have a new little niece and now live closer to her as I now can spend time with her and re-energize myself with pure love.
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