Annamalai Swami was a direct disciple of Ramana Maharshi. Please read the excerpt posted here. Below is my reflection to it:
Mind has its own mind. I let the mind run its own course. I do not follow it and do not fight it. When I do not identify myself with the the thoughts or feelings going through the mind, I see them as clouds passing through the clear sky. I realize that I have a mind but I am not the mind. I have thoughts and feelings but I am not thoughts and feelings. I am witness consciousness-clear open sky- not bound by the clouds coming and going. When I resist and fight my thoughts or feelings, they get stronger. When I remain aware of what is happening in my body-mind complex, bodily sensations and thoughts and feelings, and do not identify myself with them, I am in the Zone of Being. Thoughts appear and disappear in the clear sky of awareness. This happens everyday when I sit quietly doing Mindfulness Meditation. Practicing Mindfulness Meditation regularly has a carry over effect in my daily living. It helps me to be free from the grip of ongoing thoughts in my mind. Remaining mindful in different contexts of my daily life makes me realize the I am consciousness and not my coming and going thoughts. As stated before, practicing Mindfulness Meditation regularly and practicing Mindfulness in everyday life helps me cultivate indifference toward the mind. As the author Annamalai Swami states, " Cultivating this attitude of indifference toward the mind, you will detach yourself from your "little self" to your real Self." Namaste!
I’d like to think that this is true, but being able to direct your mind with the senses kind of like the chariot analogy with Krishna being the chariot here is some thing that also seems to contradict this philosophy. If we let our mind come and go but do not follow it, how are we controlling the mind when the mind directs us to certain actions? Unless In this reflection, minded specifically refers to subconscious and more reptilian instincts rather than more conscious and trans in dental thoughts.
9/7/2020 04:41:30 pm
There are two different ways of working on bodily sensations, thoughts, and emetions. One way is controlling them by our strong will. The other is mindfully processing them. The first way is described by Patanjali- the way of Self-contorl. The other is described by the Buddha- Mindfulness Meditetation. Choose the one that fits our tendency.
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