Below is my reflection on the article written by Geneen Marie Haugen, PhD,
We all imagine. I do not know about animals. Imagination is the source of creativity. New ideas are created by imagination. When we allow, new ideas arise with an open, free and imaginative mind, life changes for better. We do not become possessive. We share our ideas with others for the benefits of others. Sharing our ideas with others unconditionally benefits all. I consider such creating and sharing a spiritual gift to me as a giver and to others as receivers. I do not posses such ideas and copy right them. They are to share with anybody willing to receive them and pass them to others as gifts. As Saint Francis of Assisi says giving is receiving. As the ancient Hindu Rishis say in Ishavasya Upanishid in Sanskrit-tena tyaktena bunjithah my phalesu kadachana-Renounce and rejoice with no expectation of rewards. Every morning when I wake up I see in my back yard mother or father sparrows feeding seeds first to their little ones and then they pick up and eat the left over seeds. This may be an instinctive behavior. To me it is a spiritual act. And we all can do it when we do not have a colonial mind , a possessive mind, a controlling mind. Namaste!
Debbie Podwika
8/26/2023 02:11:48 pm
First, I would say, certainly some very horrible things have also come to be through imagination, unfortunately. Next, when I was teaching, I showed 1 of a 3- part series of films to my students called "Inside the Animal Mind - Are Animals Intelligent" to get some animal psychology in the course other than just rats for human research. The other two they could watch for extra credit, "Are Animals Conscious" and "Do Animals Have Emotions" (2000). A wonderful series. It really made one rethink what it means to be human. What once use to be thought uniquely human, using tools and creating war (lovely distinction sigh) we now know some animals can do. These similar characteristics to human are of course especially found in Whales/Dolphins/Gorillas/Monkeys. Monkeys have been shown to have "insight" so to me that is close to imagination. I also remember being at a zoo in WI and watching a young monkey up high on a ledge watching another monkey lower down on the edge of a pool drinking water. The monkey up top jumped grabbed a rope to swing on and swung and pushed the other monkey into the pool and then let go and grabbed the wire fence between me & the monkeys and shook it and laughed so much. Now to me that is imagination!
Therese M Griffin
8/26/2023 04:14:57 pm
In receiving it is giving. As I give positive energy others has the opportunity to pass goodnes onward. The circle of love - I may receive it back from a stranger.
Elaine noonan
8/26/2023 05:15:16 pm
Yay for imagination! The more we open to our higher connection of unconditional love, the brilliance of our imagination flows. Ideas come streaming into our conscious mind, which we are capable of recognizing. I love seeking the joy in that imagination, and sharing that with others. There is joy and laughter there, and it is so good for the health of Each other and our society.
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