Chris Corrigan has written a beautiful article that is found here. The following is my reflection to it:
We all have the potential to transform ourselves on a small scale or a big scale. We journey through our life at times knowing where we are going, encountering obstacles coming in our way and dealing with them rationally. And there are times in our life when we face opportunities and challenges that we have never encountered before. We are landing in a new world which may baffle us, confuse us, intimidate us. Our rational mind knows no way to relate to the new emerging unknown world. There are two ways for us to go through these new doors. Either we shut off our mind and heart or keep them open, inquisitive, wondering, trusting and welcoming the new light entering into our selves. I love the way Chris Corrigan writes about this transformation: " We all are heading into our chrysalises. We have all climbed into cocoons....Have some empathy for the caterpillar who creates its chrysalis and becomes a pupa." As I had mentioned before life is a journey. Life has given many challenges for me to face, learn and grow. There are times when I tumbled and fell on the ground. At these times, I look within, stay calm and grounded. The universe is sending me a message to remain open and patient to listen to my inner voice.The inner voice of wisdom guides me to receive the blessings of self-transformation. I feel very grateful for the gift that I receive from the loving kind universe. Life is wonderful! Namaste!
Troy Chapman has written an interesting article that you can read here. And, here is how I reflect upon the article:
We see man-created sides in many areas of our life such as social, political, economic and religious. We often draw lines between us and them. The other on the other side becomes our enemy. We fight for justice by seeing the other, our enemy. We create such walls and fight for our side which we consider always right. This a dualistic perspective -"me" against " you", love against hate. There is the third Transcendental perspective that helps me to see the other as me and me as the other. Love is the core teaching of all Wisdom traditions. When we relate to ourselves and others with love and compassion we see others as me. This is the meeting place as the Sufi poet Says, "Out beyond ideas of wrong -doing and right- dong there is a field. I will meet you there." Living this way liberates me from dividing myself within me and between myself and others in my life. This way of living creates harmony, peace and love within me. Living this way I become the citizen of the world. As an Indian poet sings, " The whole universe is my family." When I was growing up in India I saw the power of living truthfully and non-violently, compassionately and selflessly manifested by Mahatma Gandhi. He was an embodiment of love, compassion , and truth. He related to the British rulers non-violently even though he was behind the bars many times in his life. He has had a strong and benevolent impact on me as I was passing through youthful years on my life. The stream of loving kindness has continued flowing as I am passing through the last phase of my life. Practicing Karma Yoga-Yoga of selfless action or Yoga of selfless service, Bhakti Yoga- Yoga of pure love and devotion and daily meditation-practicing Raja Yoga, introspection and contemplation keeps me on the on track of " Right Living." Namaste! Here is my reflection on the poem by Lynn Ungar.
Sound of Silence! In the noisy and busy world of doing and having, we tend forget to listen to the inner quiet and wise voice of the heart, the soul. Our minds get filled with fear, anger, annoyance, grievance, blame and despair. In the times of crisis we need to center down and let our bodies and minds be quiet, calm and clear. We need to turn off our agitated bodies and minds and create to listen to the voice of silence filled with empathy, compassion, kindness and love. We are encountering such challenging and testing times right in front of our eyes.. Can we go beyond our self-serving mind set and heart set and become brothers keepers? These are the times when we go beyond our self-created boundaries and relate to each other as children of God? This way we can shift of our mind set from me to we. As the poet Lynn Ungar writes " Promise this world your love- for better or worse, in sickness and in health, so long as we all shall live." Structures of body and mind change slowly and at times drastically like the times we are facing now. I see and experience the openings of hearts welcoming, helping and caring for people impacted by this calamity. Such experiences fill my heart with gratitude. Such acts of love and compassion make the world sacred and beautiful. Giving myself quiet time to fade away noises of mind helps me to be connected with my heart which is the abode of love, generosity, compassion and warmth. Namaste! A wonderful article by Ursula LeGuin that I enjoyed reading is here. The following is my reflection on the article:
Communication as mutual entrainment opens the door for blossoming of mutual understanding, enrichment, creativity, and bonding. In intersubjective communication words matter. What we say and how we say matter. We affect each other positively or negatively. It depends on how we synchronize the pulses of each other. As the the author Ursula Krober Le Guin says," by getting the beats into a master rhythm, by entrainment." For me, intrasubjective and intersubjective communications are intertwined.When I am in a quiet zone, I expereince such rhythmic communication within me. I am in entrainment with the voice arising in me. It is me listening to me. Such intrasubjective communication clears the clouds of opposing inner voices I may not be aware of. Such intrasubjective communication helps me in intersubjective communications. When I am in quiet natural surroundings, I experience deep connection between me and the sight and sound of nature. This also happens when I am in entunement with music and musicians. What helps me is my deep and total attentiveness, my total presence, my alive quietness. This also happens in my intersubjective communications. It is like the author says an ancient gift. It's upto us to use it wisely. May we cultivate the art of communication as mutual entrainment! Namaste. I love this thought provoking essay written by Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee. We are born out of the sacred and nourished by the sacred. Is not something that can be taught? We are born with it. It is natural, instinctive and effortless. It is our home. When we live in the sacred home, life feels wonderful, beautiful, colorful, fragrant and meaningful, like a flower of different colors and fragrances. It is an experience of joys and sorrows, smiles and tears, lights and shades, a gift and a promise.
In my journey of life, I have seen sun setting and rising, clouds coming and going, life passing through dark zones and light zones, gains and losses. I have learned many lessons from life's ups and downs. At times from long periods of pain and suffering. When I acknowledged and accepted darkness and emptiness, and quietly, non-judgmentally, and compassionately investigated what brought me down, I started seeing the light behind the floating clouds. This awakening was a gift and a promise to me. It helped to be reconnected with the sacred ground of the soul, the Divinity within me. Self-examination, open-mind and open heart, and relating to all kinds of experiences mindfully has helps me to be reconnected with the sacred, the soul. Daily meditation, introspection and contemplation helps me reclaim my sense of sacred. Namaste! Tenzin Palmo has written an article on Love which can be read here. Below is my reflection on the wonderful article:
Love is born in heart. It flourishes in heart.It flows from heart. Love liberates us from the grasping of selfish desire, from the craving of getting something from someone even at the cost of the other person's well being. When I offer my love to someone as a gift from my heart with no expectation of getting something in return I feel a tremendous amount of of joyfulness,tenderness, warmth and fulfillment. It is my conviction the we are born with the potential to love everyone.What we need to do is to open out heart to relate to nature and other human beings lovingly, kindly and compassionately. The seeds of love need to be nourished by our unconditional love. This is my way of cultivating love. I have been blessed to have loving people in my life who have extended hand their caring hands to hold me in their warm and loving hearts. Such experiences have helped me to nourish and cultivate warmth, tenderness and compassion in my heart. I will never forget how my mother raised me and took care of me and wiped my tears when I was feeling down and depressed. She always stood beside me even when she would be tired. he was an embodiment of love, kindness and compassion. By living example she taught me how to love. I have been following in her footprints even though she has passed away many years ago. She lives in my heart. Love never dies. It gets richer and deeper as I am growing like a tree! Whenever I move into the dark zone of my life, love shines and helps me to go though the darkness of pain and suffering. I have learned the power of becoming still and go though the dark zone without getting lost. The waves of pain and suffering subside and I regain my balance and inner strength. Remaining mindful of the self-created misery and freeing my self from the grip of my ignorance and attachment, I regain my peace. Namaste! Our untrained mind is a"shrieking, gibbering madhouse". It happens in our waking state as well as in our sleep sate. Our mind hardly rests.Our mind is like a monkey mind, jumping from one thought branch to another thought branch.It is either restless or void or blank.We need to be aware of these two states of the untrained mind. Noticing these two states of our mind without judging is the first and foremost step for retraining our mind.
I like the way Bhante Gunaratna describes the process of Retraining the mind." Gently, but firmly---, simply return to the simple physical sensation of the breath. Then do it again the next time, and again, and again, and again." It sounds simple but it is very profound. I practice this breath meditation everyday. It has been very helpful to me. Daily practice of the Breath Meditation helps me to go beyond thinking and sinking mind into total awareness of what's happening in the present moment.It helps my mind to be quiet, centered and clear. This is an ongoing process and not a one time deal. When my mind goes astray or takes a hike, I notice it without judging and return to in-breath and out-breath awareness. May we cultivate the skill of remaining fully in the present moment! Namaste! What a wonderful article - Excerpted from Alan Cohen's book Wisdom of the Heart. Please click here to read it. Here is my reflection reading it:
Every one has a purpose of living. When we realize what it is we have found our song. As we go through crucial life transitions, we may forget to sing our song. We may miss the direction and take a wrong step. A true friend does not criticize us or abandonus. He or she will sing our song to remind us that we have taken the wrong turn. They do not focus on our wrong doing and judge and criticize us.. As the author Alan Cohen puts it so beautifully," They remember your beauty when you feel ugly; your wholeness when you are broken;your innocence when you feel guilty; and your purpose when you are confused." I have been blessed to have a few such noblehearted friends who stood by me when I was falling into a dark pit. They empathizedwith me, walked with me, reminding me the purpose of my life whichI had seemedto have forgotten. They held my tired hands, wiped my tears; enkindled light of hope within me when I was in the dark zone of depression. I will never forget their kindness and compassion. The gift of unconditional love and acceptance that I got my friends has helped me to stand by others when they go through dark times in their lives. Standing by them lovingly I help them to connect with their song. It feels so good when I follow this path-the path of receiving blessings from others and being grateful to them for helping me and helpingothers when they go through hard times. It is good to recognize that we all get lost at times as we go though different passages of life and we forget our song. It is also gratifying to know that there are helping hands that help us rememberour song. Namaste! The following is my reflection after reading the excerpt from J.Krishnamurti :
Being innocent means being true to oneself, being authentic, with no pretensions, no masks and no conflicts. Being innocent means revealing our original face with no facade. When we live innocently. it not only creates a fundamental change or transformation in the individual but also in the society at large.The person living innocently becomes a potent nucleus for social revolution. Such a person becomes a dynamic agent of transformation. Living innocently requires awakening and vigilant awareness of the clouds of fear arising in our mind and heart. I was blessed to have my father who displayed courage to stay firmly on the path of being true to himself. He became the role model not only for us but also for the society he lived in. The other great model for my individual transformation and the transformation of the country was Mahatma Gandhi. Both, my biological father and the father of the nation, have had a positive strong impact on my transformation As I have mentioned before,remaining awake and aware of myself when I walk astray from my authentic self, my true self, helps me to be a human of innocence. It's like being a child again. Living innocently is living fully. I am glad to go through this journey of my life. Namaste! Author Naren Kini, has posted a wonderful article that you can read here. Below is my reflection
I love a beautiful saying I had read a long time ago> it is in Sanskrit: " Udar charitanmavasudhaivakutumkam." For those whose hearts are filled with generosity, the whole universe becomes their family. Gifts coming from our generous and compassionate heart serves both the giver and the receiver. Once a disciple asked Gautam Budhha, " Does my body belong to me?" Buddha responded to his question: " Our body is an integral part of the planet. It is not separate from the planet. What we offer to our body becomes an offering to the planet. If you eat bad food, it has an impact on the planet. Unhealthy food has a negative impact on you and also on the planet. You need to make a wise choice. The planet is in you and you are in the planet." I need to be mindful of what I put in me, my body, mind, and heart and how I act has an impact on others. It is a circle.My wholesome thoughts, emotions and actions create wholesome energy for me and those who are connected with me. Offering my gift from my heart brings a deep sense of joy and gratitude in me and I see the impact of my gift on others receiving my gift. This happens almost everyday. I am a teacher and I am happy and joyful by offering the gift of my teaching to my students. I see a lot of joy and gratitude on my students faces. Sharing and spreading the quality of my thoughts and love uplifts my spirit and the spirit of others connected with me. I am also a counselor. This morning I helped a teacher going through a lot of emotional pain in her personal life. Spending half an hour with her and helping her how to mindfully process her emotional pain brought a great deal of joy and gratitude in me. I saw her face getting more relaxed and a feeling of hopefulness slowly growing and spreading on her face. Giving and receiving such gifts fills my heart with a deep sense of joy. Cultivating skillful means requires daily practice of remaining awake and aware of what's going in my mind to know how to make wise choices. It is an ongoing inner journey of exploring the world of my mind, heart and actions. This practice helps me to stay rooted in the circle of life in my daily decisions. With an ongoing practice, it becomes my second nature or saying differently it becomes my original nature getting rid of the walls obstructing it. It is like by emptying the cup the cup of life gets full. |
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